Historical Portfolio Data

Historical Chart of Total Assets

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No. of properties

Historical Chart of Total Assets

(million yen)

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Fiscal Peirod ended Total Assets Number of Existing Properties Acquisition Price Total Appraisal Value
Total Book Value
 Jan. 2024 (33rd) 441,839 81 397,962 491,518 394,413 96,724
 Jul. 2023 (32nd) 433,409 78 389,393 484,557 387,618 96,938
 Jan. 2023 (31st) 422,345 74 378,996 469,582 377,468 92,113
 Jul. 2022 (30th) 417,430 75 374,911 464,212 372,815 91,396
 Jan. 2022 (29th) 413,419 74 372,321 454,257 369,627 84,629
 Jul. 2021 (28th) 407,428 74 360,919 432,251 358,718 73,532
* Amounts in millions of yen, except for number of existing properties.
* The difference between the total appraisal value and total book value is calculated by simple subtraction in millions.

Leasable Area and Occupancy Ratio

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Occupancy Ratio

Leasable Area

(In thousands,㎡) %

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Fiscal Period Ended Leasable Area (m2) Number of Lessees *1 Occupancy Ratio (%) *2
Jan. 2024 (33rd) 2,869,600.76 110 99.7
Jul. 2023 (32nd) 2,752,841.91 102 99.3
Jan. 2023 (31st) 2,570,255.70 100 98.8
Jul. 2022 (30th) 2,578,861.08 100 98.6
Jan. 2022 (29th) 2,478,027.03 101 100.0
 Jul. 2021 (28th) 2,389,009.46 107 100.0
*1 The total number of lessee is the sum of the number of lessees for each property.
*2 The occupancy ratio is calculated by simple average method. The figures are rounded to the nearest first decimal place.
*3 The figures include the number regarding to contract type of lease arrangement, which a lessor does not collect rent from the use of the building orland (shiyō taishaku keiyaku).